What The LDI Does For Development In London

Our Role in London

The London Development Institute (LDI) is a member-based organization representing most land developers in the London area. LDI has been the leading voice on development issues in our City for more than 40 years. Our goal, working with our partners in local government and the community, is to build a better London.

Our Core Advocacy Functions

Represent and present LDI positions to City Council, UTRCA and the Province of Ontario

Attend and participate, as needed, all committees and public meeting events that affect the development industry 

Promote the development industry interests using available communication tools

Work on immediate issues to improve current service levels in development, planning and building departments 

Proactively promote the interests of the development industry through ongoing relationships with elected officials and staff including the senior management at City Hall

Primary Policy Activity for 2021
Work to achieve change in the CA’s interaction with the industry to improve the delivery of service and accountability in the planning application process
London Plan of Appeals
Work with our LDI team to resolve outstanding issues and outstanding appeals with the city
Urban Growth Boundary
Get the city to start the process of review for the current growth boundary
Housing Affordability
Work on opportunities for the private sector development industry to improve the affordability of housing in London
Environmental Management Guidelines
Work to improve the proposed updated guidelines
Dingman EA
Achieve an appropriate and accurate flood line to protect development opportunities
Inclusionary Zoning
Work on development of fair and implementable policies and by-laws
Urban Design Guidelines
Work with the city to achieve fair and workable guidelines
Development Fees Review
Work to ensure city development fees are accurate and accountable
Rethink Zoning
Work to make sure flexibility is built into new zoning by-laws
Permit Ready Lots
Work to develop a system that ensures housing demand in London is satisfied with a sufficient amount supply
Continuous Improvement Process at City Hall
Work to reduce the amount of red tape in the development applications processes
Changes to Holding Provisions
Work to reduce use of H’s and the ability for Council to dedicate removal to staff
Promote LDI Initiated Policy Changes
For example, the VLC public meeting requirements, Archaeological report process portal at the Province of Ontario
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