by Mike Wallace | Executive Director | Jun 21, 2022 | Thoughts From Our Industry
London Development Institute and the London Home Builders’ Association
have produced this whitepaper to generate informed discussion about the
ways and means to address the housing crisis in London, Ontario.
Our goal is to find mutually beneficial solutions and establish a commitment to
action that all stakeholders can embrace, and in their own area of influence
and expertise, participate.
Working with the City of London, the Province of Ontario, the Government of
Canada, we want to build an affordable, attainable, and sustainable city for
current and future generations of Londoners.
Indeed, our wish is that everyone who wants to call London home can find an
available and affordable place to live
London: A Place to Call Home
by Mike Wallace | Executive Director | Mar 31, 2022 | Thoughts From Our Industry
LDI and LHBA commissioned Smart Prosperity Institute to review current available data from the recent released census and CHMC to analysis the housing construction activity over the last ten years in London and surrounding communities. As expected growth in housing construction in communities surrounding London has outpaced the growth of housing supply within London. This growth puts pressure on the London’ s property tax base as well a s the City’s Climate hange goals. As more and more new residents are driving into London to work and shop but not contributing to the infrastructure costs of the City and adding to the green house gas emissions in our community. Please see the attached full report for your information.
by Mike Wallace | Executive Director | Jun 16, 2021 | Thoughts From Our Industry
There is no place for hate, discrimination, bigotry, or intolerance of any form in London, our province, our country, or anywhere in the world. The London Development Institute and its members stand with all Londoners in condemning the recent tragic loss of a London family due to hate. We will work to bring healing to our community and to help eliminate the root causes of such destructive thinking. The people of London are our and together we can bring understanding and acceptance to our community.
We stand with you.
by Mike Wallace | Executive Director | Jun 7, 2021 | Thoughts From Our Industry
As our industry is a bit of mystery to most, our “Did You Know” blog is LDI’s opportunity to educate and inform those not familiar with the industry. The LDI team will be posting on a regular basis covering a wide array of topics such as, how the industry works, policy issues at both the municipal and provincial government and the occasional position papers of LDI.
Our goal is to foster a better understanding of our industry and the role we can play in building a better London.